This was a major focus for 2015-16, when we were asked to collaborate with a large installation/sculpture show in the grounds of Rydal Hall, in the Lake District, with a show organised by the Lakes Collective art group.

With a theme of the "Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass" books by Lewis Carol we each explored various ideas from the novels. The main piece designed and constructed by Amy was an arch of playing cards which appeared to fountain up over one of the main paths, whilst she also created many other smaller pieces such as decorated teapots to place in the flowerbeds.

Ben was asked to develop an idea from his Steampunk project "The Century Survey" and create a take on the Jabberwock monster in this genre, producing a two-thirds scale sculpture of the creature interpreted as a steam-driven machine monster. Other pieces included laser-cut Rocking Horse Fly miniatures scattered around the grounds and trees nearby, and a transparent cheshire cat made from plastic packaging, selotape, and custom vacuum-formed parts.

The large show featured work by dozens of artists and was extremely well received by the public, leading to an invite to produce work for a future show planned for 2018.