This project is an experimental and ongoing development from a body of work created whilst Ben was working as a DT Technician. That earlier work involved creating transparent laser-cut shapes to use in mood lights, and the project ended up linked to an external open call for a group show.

When undertaking shoots Ben usually produces sketches to establish likely poses, compositions etc, and so for this body of work Ben chose to laser-cut and etch these sketched figures, to create a facsimile of a fashion shoot where there are no actual models. The resulting sculpture featured multi-layered backgrounds with underlit transparent figures in the foreground, the scenery visible, slightly blurred, through these abstract models.

Though successful within the bounds of the original brief within the DT project, upcycling the figures into a sculpture was less successful. However Ben decided to develop the idea by shooting actually out on location, aiming to capture the figures as if shooting a 'real' fashion shoot. The original figures were re-used, which after several builds were exhibiting a number of eye-catching blurs, smudges, and scratches which created an interesting effect with the underlighting. A further development with more long-exposure elements are planned as this project is further developed.